Small Manufacturing Business

This business is already sold
Only one competitor in Qld, mainly produces items for industrial, business and government

Key Sale Highlights

Proudly Listed By Paula J Hamer

Proudly Listed By Tony Hancock

Business Overview

Retiring owner operator of this fantastic business has established a loyal team of seven including himself. With numerous production processes the business has most of its sales attached to a production process only held by one other business in Qld.

Current owners return is circa $150,000 and is reliant on no external marketing with return customers and referrals supplying current sales which creates a huge opportunity given the limited competitive set and guaranteed demand for ongoing products.

With skilled technicians in place a new owner does not need any special skills. The current owner operates as a manager of the business with production carried out by the staff.

We are almost complete in our accumulation of business information a buyer will require and are open for registering of interest to be at the front of the line when we all information can be presented.